
主要: 保险精算学
未成年人: 金融 和 西班牙语


This is a question I am asked frequently, because many people don’t know what actuarial science is—but to me, 它是第二语言. 精算学结合了 数学, 业务, 金融, 经济学 和 other areas of study into one discipline. As someone who is interested by all these fields, actuarial science was the perfect choice! In high school I excelled in 数学 but didn’t know what I could do with that. 当有人说, “Why don’t you just be an actuary” is when my gears started turning, 和 I began researching what that profession actually was…和 I was hooked from the beginning. When I realized that Carroll had an actuarial science program, I knew that my choice in major 和 university was meant to be.


Upon graduating, I will continue on the path to become an associate of the Society of Actuaries. After obtaining my ASA, I will embark on the pathway to become a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries.   

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?  

的 courses in the actuarial science major do a great job at setting the framework for the wide variety of topics that actuaries are responsible for knowing. Being an actuary is very enticing because it leads to a lifetime of continued learning. With the classes I have taken thus far at Carroll, I feel prepared for an 精算师的初级工作, but also am confident in my problem-solving skills which are necessary to advance in the profession.  

How have you had opportunities to work closely with Carroll faculty?

Small class size is one of the main reasons I chose Carroll. I have yet to take a class that has had more than 25 students, 和 I believe that has made all the difference in my education. I am not afraid to ask questions when I do not underst和 something, which may be intimidating in front of a classroom of 100+ people, 但如果只有20个人,情况就不一样了. My professors are always readily available 和 more than willing to meet with me one-on-one. When going to my professors with a question or problem, I know that my voice is being heard 和 that they truly are invested in my education. 的 保险精算学 department is run by Dr. Symms, a beacon of light for many students going through the exam process. He, himself, has sat through actuarial exams, which makes his advice that much more valuable.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person?

When entering college, I decided to continue studying another language besides numbers—西班牙语. I loved that not only did Carroll work this into my schedule, but they encouraged it. 的 卡罗尔文化 is all about broadening your horizons through respect, integrity 和 stewardship. I have been able to exp和 my comfort zone through my use of 西班牙语; so much so that I have decided to 西班牙之旅. 卡罗尔已经 适合每个人的东西, whether it be a major/minor, club, sport, or job, you will be able to find yourself here.

What would you say to someone considering actuarial science?

的 actuarial profession is up-和-coming, 和 the 保险精算学 program at Carroll is right there with it. 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 st和s out on résumés when applying to actuarial positions, 因为我们丰富的课程, which covers four actuarial exams 和 all three VEE’s (Validation by Education Experience). We also have an 保险精算学 club on campus, where nearly everyone in the major is an active member. This is great for learning about the profession, 获得考试/学习技巧, 建立专业关系. Each spring semester the cub has presentations from different actuarial companies around the 密尔沃基 area—it is a great way to get your foot in the door 和 name out there!

How has financial aid made a difference in your life?

金融援助 has made an enormous impact in my college career. 被博天堂官方入口登陆登录录取后, I automatically received a scholarship based on my high school performance which made the price very comparable to a state school. Carroll also provides scholarship opportunities that can be applied on top of the one you may receive right away. I am lucky enough to be a recipient of the Davis Otto Fellow Science Scholarship. 卡罗尔已经 very benevolent donors, who help keep the Carroll dream alive for many students. Without the generosity of Carroll’s donors, I would not be where I am today; I am forever grateful.  

What’s your favorite place to study on campus?

My favorite place to study on 校园 is our 学习共享,或更广为人知的“LC”.” 的 LC is a colorful study area, perfect for group work or solo studying. You can rent out laptops 和 tons of different types of study material. Some of the walls are even white boards; which is perfect for those long (but super fun) 数学 problems!

Learn more about the actuarial science program

