Q&答:Bryon Cherry '04年度最佳R&威斯康星地区音乐产业B/Soul艺术家

作者: 琳达·斯派斯89年毕业.Ed. '19

发表日期: 10/26/2021

类别: 校友 音乐 政治科学 戏剧艺术

04届校友Bryon Cherry

Bryon Cherry '04 came to Carroll with dreams of becoming a journalist but - in true liberal arts fashion - discovered political science and a talent for music along the way. 大二的时候, he experienced the sounds of live guitar for the first time when his roommate played The Beatles' "Blackbird." He soon explored his own talents for guitar as a student at Carroll and developed his skills down a path that led him this year to being named best R&B/Soul Artist of the year during the 2021 Wisconsin Area 音乐 Industry (WAMI) Awards, held on Oct. 17. 

在这里, Bryon shares more about his musical journey from his student days, when he also picked up a lead role during his first-ever theater experience performing in "Hair" to today, when his talents also extend to being a published poet as well. 他最新的书名是, 葬礼的旅程该书于2019年由鹌鹑出版社出版. 除了演奏音乐, he is also a playful dad to two children he is raising with his wife and fellow Carroll graduate Darcy DuBois '03. Learn more about Bryon and his music — which he performs as Bryan Cherry — via 他的网站.


其实我来卡罗是学新闻学的. I had been an editor on my high school paper and enjoyed writing. I thought I was on my way to the University of Miami in Florida but I happened to have a track meet at Carroll and I first fell in love with the campus and started researching it. Once there I took an elective political science course my freshman year and quickly moved toward that direction.


It’s funny to think about now, but I eventually wanted to run for some type of public office. After I graduated from Carroll, I ended up working for campaigns in the area.

How did you discover your talent and passion for playing music?

One of my roommates happened to play the guitar and one day, he played “Blackbird” by The Beatles. 当他结束时, 我说了一些类似于, “I don’t know what you are doing but you have to show me how to do that.” From there, I played in every quiet corner of nearly every dorm at Carroll. Through that, I connected with other people that loved music and I absorbed knowledge from them.

What was it about The Beatles’ "Blackbird" that sparked a musical interest at Carroll that helped you grow to the performer you are today?

回顾, 我觉得吉他那部分很美, the haunting melody and moving lyrics that just flipped a switch inside of me. It was so long ago but I can still remember that moment with clarity.

在事后看来, was there any indication in your childhood that you had a talent for music, 尽管你来卡罗之前从没打过球?

好吧, I always loved music and when I was younger I been told that I would make up songs to instrumental video game music, 这非常有趣, but I never really saw someone play a guitar in real life until I made it to Carroll.

How did landing a lead role in "Hair" at Carroll help you to further develop your musical talents?

出演《博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口》真的改变了我的人生轨迹. It was my first real time on a stage of any type in front of an audience. It allowed me to work with a vocal coach which helped me tremendously, and I got to work with other students who were passionate about performing and music. 整体, it just gave me a boost of confidence because it showed me that I could handle a lead role and flourish.

How did those music and performing skills continue to evolve after graduation?

毕业后, I worked for campaigns during the day and worked on music late into the night because I loved it so much. I started playing open mics around the city and I met some amazing people. Eventually I met the members of my band, some of whom I still play with and learn from, to this day.


好吧, The Beatles precede any other music for me but I also gain inspiration from Bill Withers, 赛罗尼斯-蒙克, 老汉克·威廉姆斯.,史蒂夫·汪达,涅槃乐队,圣. 比如文森特和雷·拉蒙塔尼.


我会说我演奏摇滚和灵魂音乐. 这是两种音乐形式的激情融合.


生活,激发了歌词. 这真的是我处理生活的一种方式. Or I’ll hear someone say something interesting that makes me think and I’ll try to incorporate it into a song. 所以,从某种奇怪的角度来说,写歌就像拼贴艺术.


I actually wrote poetry, or at least tried to, since I was like six years old. That’s because my mom is a writer and I would always find her poems around the house and it got me interested. I did not show my poetry to many people until about four years ago. From there I’ve been able to read at places like the New York City Poetry Festival, 密尔沃基的爵士庄园和林地模式.

你认为被评为最佳R语言有什么影响&B/Soul Artist by the Wisconsin Area 音乐 Industry will have on your music career?

It’s only been a week since winning so far but already I’ve had some new opportunities arise. I think the main thing is that this gives me another boost of confidence to go even deeper into, 什么是真正的, my hopefully lifetime practice of making noise with instruments and playing around with words.

Is there anything I haven’t asked that you might want to add or that would be important to understanding your journey from Carroll to the stage?

尽管当时我没有给很多人读过我的诗, I did read one time at a poetry open mic which was at the coffee shop in the library at Carroll. I also started a student run periodical called Amorphous at Carroll. 整体, 有很多机会可以发挥创造力, 思维灵活, 并向你的同龄人学习. All of which have been critical skills in developing both my poetry and music acumen.
