
项目要求的入门级实践能力| M.S. 医师助理研究

PA专业定义了具体的知识, 技能, and attitudes that are required by the profession and provides educational experiences as needed in order for physician assistants to acquire and demonstrate these competencies. The competencies below reflect the expected competencies as they pertain to graduates of the Master of Physician Assistant Program as they enter the profession. [Published by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), 与美国医师助理协会(AAPA)合作, 医师助理教育协会(PAEA), and the 认证 Review Commission for the Education of Physician Assistants (ARC-PA), 2012].

1. 医学知识

一般的定义: 医学知识包括对病理生理学的理解, 病人报告, 鉴别诊断, 病人管理, 手术原则, 促进健康和预防疾病. Physician assistants must demonstrate core knowledge about established and evolving biomedical and clinical sciences and the application of this knowledge to patient care in their area of practice. 除了, physician assistants are expected to demonstrate an investigatory and analytic thinking approach to clinical situations.


  1. describe etiologies, risk factors, underlying pathologic process, and epidemiology for
  2. 医疗条件;
  3. 识别医疗状况的体征和症状;
  4. 选择和解释适当的诊断或实验室研究;
  5. manage general medical and surgical conditions to include: understanding the indications, 禁忌症, 副作用, interactions and adverse reactions of pharmacologic agents and other relevant treatment modalities;
  6. 确定常见症状的适当护理部位, 包括确定紧急病例和需要转介或入院的病例;
  7. 确定预防疾病的适当干预措施;
  8. 确定在无症状个体中检测病症的适当方法;
  9. 在解剖学上区分正常与异常, 生理, 化验结果及其他诊断资料;
  10. appropriately use history and physical findings and diagnostic studies to formulate a 鉴别诊断; and
  11. 为慢性病患者提供适当的护理.

2. 人际关系 & 沟通技巧

一般的定义: 人际交往和沟通能力包括口头表达能力, 非语言和书面的信息交流. Physician assistants must demonstrate interpersonal and communication 技能 that result in effective information exchange with patients, 病人家属, 医生, 专业的同事, 还有医疗保健系统.


  1. 与患者建立并维持良好的治疗和道德关系
  2. 演示有效倾听的用法, 非语言的, 说明, 质疑, 以及引出和提供信息的写作技巧
  3. appropriately adapt communication style and messages to the context of the individual patient interaction
  4. work effectively with 医生 and other health care professionals as a member or leader of a health care team or other professional group
  5. 表现出对人类行为的理解
  6. 表现出情绪的弹性和稳定性, 适应性, 对模糊和焦虑的灵活性和容忍度
  7. accurately and adequately document and record information regarding the care process for medical, 法律, 质量和财务目的

3. 病人护理

一般的定义: 病人护理包括与年龄相适应的评估、评价和管理. 医师助理必须证明护理是有效的, 以病人为中心, 及时的, efficient and equitable for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of wellness.


  1. work effectively with 医生 and other health care professionals to provide 以病人为中心 care
  2. demonstrate caring and respectful behaviors when interacting with patients and their families
  3. 收集关于病人的基本和准确的信息
  4. demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preferences, 最新的科学证据, 以及临床判断
  5. 制定和执行适当的病人管理计划
  6. 表现出对患者及其家属进行咨询和教育的能力
  7. competently perform medical and surgical procedures considered essential in the area of PA practice
  8. demonstrate the ability to provide health care services and education aimed at preventing health problems or maintaining health

4. 专业

一般的定义: 专业精神是在提供护理时积极的价值观和理想的表达. 最重要的是, it involves prioritizing the interests of those being served above one’s own. 医师助理必须知道他们的专业和个人局限性. 专业 also requires that PAs practice without impairment from substance abuse, 认知缺陷或精神疾病. 医师助理必须表现出高度的责任感, 道德实践, sensitivity to a diverse patient population and adherence to 法律 and regulatory requirements.


  1. 对法律法规要求的理解, 以及医师助理的合适角色
  2. 与医师主管和其他卫生保健提供者的专业关系
  3. 尊重、同情和正直
  4. 响应患者和社会的需求
  5. 对病人、社会和专业负责
  6. 对卓越和持续专业发展的承诺
  7. a commitment to ethical principles pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical care, 患者信息的保密性, 知情同意, 商业惯例
  8. sensitivity and responsiveness to patients’ culture, age, gender, and disabilities; and
  9. 自我反省,批判性的好奇心和主动性

5. 基于实践的学习和改进

一般的定义: Practice-based learning and improvement includes the processes through which clinicians engage in critical analysis of their own practice experience, medical literature and other information resources for the purpose of self-improvement. Physician assistants must be able to assess, evaluate and improve their patient care practices.


  1. demonstrate the ability to analyze the practice experience and perform practice-based improvement activities using a systematic methodology in concert with other members of the health care delivery team
  2. 展示定位能力, 评价, and integrate evidence from scientific studies related to their patients’ health problems
  3. obtain and apply information about their own population of patients and the larger population from which their patients are drawn
  4. apply knowledge of study designs and statistical methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and other information on diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness
  5. 运用信息技术管理信息, 获取在线医疗信息, 并支持他们自己的教育
  6. 促进其他学生和/或其他卫生保健专业人员的学习
  7. 表现出识别和适当处理性别的能力, 文化, 认知差异
  8. recognize emotional and other biases; gaps in medical knowledge; and physical limitations in themselves and others

6. 系统实践

一般的定义: 基于系统的实践包含了社会, 提供卫生保健的组织和经济环境. Physician assistants must demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the larger system of health care to provide patient care that is of optimal value. PAs should work to improve the larger health care system of which their practices are a part.


  1. 使用信息技术支持患者护理决策和患者教育
  2. 有效地与不同类型的医疗实践和交付系统互动
  3. understand the funding sources and payment systems that provide coverage for patient care
  4. practice cost-effective health care and resource allocation that does not compromise quality of care
  5. advocate for quality patient care and assist patients in dealing with system complexities
  6. 与主管医生合作, 卫生保健管理人员和其他卫生保健提供者进行评估, 协调, 改善医疗服务和病人的治疗效果
  7. accept responsibility for promoting a safe environment for patient care and recognizing and correcting systems-based factors that negatively impact patient care
  8. 应用医疗信息和临床数据系统提供更有效的服务, 高效的病人护理
  9. 使用负责适当支付服务的系统